Of those with a gym membership, 38 percent said they hardly ever use it, according to a survey released by The Biggest Loser Resort. Thirty-two percent of those surveyed who belong to a gym use it three times per week or less with only 30 percent claiming to use it more than three times per week.

In the survey, which was conducted as part of an online contest at www.biggestloser.com and www.biggestloserresort.com during season 12 of the hit NBC series “The Biggest Loser,” some 10,000 fans responded to questions about their exercise routines and their diets-or lack thereof; shedding some discouraging light on the general fitness and health status of most of those surveyed.

“These statistics, which represent individual unhealthy lives, are truly unfortunate,” said Larry Bond, Chief Executive Officer of Fitness Ridge Worldwide, parent company of The Biggest Loser Resort. “However, it doesn’t have to stay that way. With all the media attention on this issue, now is the time for all of us as a nation to take a stand. The Biggest Loser Resorts have a tremendous track record of turning these dismal statistics on their head one person at a time,” he added.

Results of The Biggest Loser survey revealed the five (5) most prominent concerns are as follows:

  1. Gym membership. More than half (56 percent) of those who answered the question: “Do you have a gym membership?” indicated they do not belong to a gym. Of those with a gym membership, 38 percent said they hardly ever use it. Thirty-two percent of those surveyed who belong to a gym use it three times per week or less with only 30 percent claiming to use it more than three times per week. “One of our initiatives for 2012 and 2013 is to find ways to make home workouts much more fun for our departing guests,” added Bond.
  2. Fast food. Only seven percent of those who answered: “How often do you eat fast food?” indicated they never eat fast food. A total of 81 percent indicated they eat fast food “occasionally,” or once or twice a week. Twelve percent admitted eating fast food three or more times per week. “These are astonishing numbers any way you look at them,” said Derek Johnson, Executive Director of Nutrition at The Biggest Loser Resorts.
  3. Favorite exercise. More than half (51 percent) of those who answered: “What is your favorite form of exercise?” indicated they do not exercise. Of those who said they do exercise, walking – at 55 percent – by far was the preferred method. Twenty-five percent of those who exercise opt for weightlifting and 20 percent choose biking/spinning. “This is nuts. We have to get off our butts!” said Ramon Medeiros, a season 12 finalist on The Biggest Loser and now a trainer at The Biggest Loser Resort.
  4. Hydration. Alarmingly, 94 percent of those who answered the question: “How many 8-ounce glasses of water do you drink each day?” indicated they drink less than three glasses of water each day. Nearly half (46 percent) responded with “None.” Not much better, 48 percent said they consume one to three glasses of water daily. Five percent claim to drink three to six, 8-ounce glasses of water daily while only one percent attest to drinking more than seven glasses. “I’m just horrified by these statistics,” said Johnson. “Drinking water throughout the day-but not so much during meals, is one of the most important things one can do to help lose weight, and is something we talk about constantly at the Resorts,” he added.
  5. Obstacles. Lack of time and not knowing what to do tied at 42 percent each as the top excuses for: “What keeps you from exercising?” The remaining 16 percent of respondents claim to exercise frequently. “Very disappointing,” added Bond. “Fortunately, at our resorts we are able to help people get on the right track,” he added.