Big Agnes, a manufacturer of tents, sleeping bags and other outdoor gear, shared distribution expansion plans to meet domestic and international demand, decrease shipping time and increase efficiency.
The plans include a second domestic warehouse facility in Salt Lake City, scheduled to open in December. Big Agnes has hired Howard Peterson to manage operations at the new facility. Peterson has worked in various management capacities including distribution, manufacturing and logistics roles at brands such as The Coleman Company, Smith Sport Optics and Quality Bicycle Products.
To help service international accounts, Big Agnes will open third-party distribution facilities in Canada and Rotterdam, Netherlands. These moves will increase the number of employment opportunities for the company both in Steamboat Springs, CO and Salt Lake City, officials said.
“We exceeded our warehouse and fulfillment capacity here in Steamboat Springs several years ago,” Big Agnes Co-Founder and President Bill Gamber said. “We were able to make things work but it’s time to invest in our future. We’re excited about these moves and the opportunity to work with Howard to streamline our shipping operation here in the U.S. and increase the level of service we can provide to our customers around the world.”
The company, which is also the exclusive distributor of Helinox trekking poles and camp furniture in the Americas, also recently announced its move into a new, larger headquarters building in Steamboat Springs.
Photo courtesy Big Agnes