Gordon Robertson, vice president of the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), has been inducted into the American Fisheries Society’s (AFS) Fisheries Management Hall of Excellence.
Established in 1992, the AFS Hall of Excellence recognizes fisheries management professionals who have made significant contributions to improving and advocating for science-based fisheries management.
“I was very humbled and touched by this award because it came from the American Fisheries Society division that represents fishery biologists and researchers,” said Robertson. “As a lifelong advocate for science-based fisheries management, I know how important their work is and that this is the division that puts fisheries conservation efforts on the ground in this country.”
Since joining ASA in 2002 as vice president and lead for government affairs, Robertson has been a crucial advocate for fisheries conservation and management, representing the recreational fishing industry with federal and state government agencies and policymakers responsible for resource management. Robertson announced his retirement from ASA in June of this year and will conclude his service at the end of August.
Robertson began his career in 1971 as a service forester in West Virginia, and then moved on to work as a conservation biologist for New York’s Division of Fish and Wildlife. He was the Northeast representative for the Wildlife Management Institute legislative and served as the legislative counsel for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Prior to ASA, Robertson was deputy chief of wildlife resources for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.