SGB Apparel

Gildan: The Saga Continues

The back and forth is nearly impossible to report on as each side lobs another boulder over the wall at their adversary only to have another come right back.

Gildan Shareholders Respond to Special Meeting Timing

Browning West, LP responded to Gildan’s announcement that its Board of Directors has “called” a so-called annual and special meeting of shareholders to be held on May 28, 2024, while also seeking to cancel the special meeting of shareholders.

Fenix Outdoor International Appoints New CTO

The parent company of the Fjällräven, Royal Robbins, Hanwag, and Tierra brands promoted Head of Brands Business Tech and Deputy CTO Eefje Jacques to CTO, effective April 1. Current company CIO Jan Lindmark will retire on that date.

Adidas and Malbon Golf Introduce The Crosby Collection

“The entire collection is an ode to what golf and fashion became at that time in history but also celebrates how those same characteristics and fashion styles from that time still live on with golfers today.” —Dylan Moore, Creative Director, Adidas Golf

Report: The Changing Dynamics of Country Clubs

The pandemic seemingly increased interest in golf and tennis, leading to more visits and members at country clubs, particularly from a younger demographic. As a result, country club visits are up, and foot traffic is above pre-pandemic levels.