America Bikes sent out a legislative update pointing to several key victories. First, the House TEA-LU bill passed on March 10th. TEA-LU includes many key elements of the America Bikes agenda, such as funding for the Recreational Trails program and a new, comprehensive Safe Routes to School program funded at $875 million over 5 years.
Second, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved its SAFETEA bill. This includes the Fair Share for Safety provision, calling for bicycle and pedestrian safety funding in proportion with bicycle and pedestrian traffic deaths in each state.
Third, Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) has introduced S.794, the Safe and Complete Streets Act of 2005 into the Senate. According to America Bikes, the bill would prompt more states and MPOs to adopt “complete streets” policies, without dictating the content of these policies.
Finally, America Bikes has added to its existing lobbying staff by bringing on the talents of the Capitol Hill-based firm, Tongour Simpson Holsclaw, LLC. The firm reportedly has strong expertise and contacts, particularly on the Senate side, and is well placed to ensure America Bikes issues are heard as the bill goes to the Senate floor and into committee.