Alite Designs, an outdoor gear company based in San Francisco, opened its new retail and art gallery space in San Franciscos Mission District. The store, which has been dubbed “The Outpost” is dedicated to inspires city-dwellers to explore the great outdoors, gain hands-on experience, conduct research, ask questions and get motivated for everything from an afternoon at the beach to an expedition in Yosemite.
The Outpost grand opening is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 19, 2014 at 3376 18th Street between Mission and Capp.
In addition to outdoor gear from Alite Designs and its sister-company Boreas Gear, The Outpost will showcase an assortment of local products from pottery and woodworking to olive oil.
The Outpost will also feature a resource area with space to read up on local hikes, camp cooking recipes and even California mushroom foraging. The resource area will include two computer stations to assist with research and booking campsites as well as a café serving coffee.
Pulling design inspiration from Scandinavian architecture, the storefront and retail space evokes a fun and inviting cabin atmosphere with exposed wooden rafters and bright skylights. In the back of the shop, the Scott Ellsworth Gallery will showcase local artists that are inspired by the outdoors and incorporate nature into their mediums.
The Outpost has pulled everything I love together into one area, said Tae Kim, co-founder and creative director at Alite Designs. Creating a retail store that not only sells fun outdoor products, but also provides a welcoming environment to inspire people to explore the outdoors has always been my dream.
Alite Designs is a small, independent, outdoor gear company located in the heart of San Francisco. Since 2009, Alite has produced innovative outdoor products designed to make it easy for customers to enjoy going outdoors. Alite products include ultra-lightweight, compact furniture, backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, eating utensils, and more!