Just weeks after launching the new Pulse Barryvox avalanche transceiver at the Outdoor Retailer and ISPO winter tradeshows, guiding services in the US were already planning to employ the beacon for the ’06-’07 winter season. Alaska Mountain Guides will be using the beacon exclusively next winter, opting for the user-friendly, three-antenna Pulse Barryvox to enhance the safety of its clients and guides.

“Alaska Mountain Guides is a highly regarded service that takes avalanche risk management seriously. Their pros are aware of the technology available to them, and they are choosing Pulse Barryvox as the transceiver they’ll be using daily”, said Jeff Cunningham, Marketing Director for Mammut Sports Group USA.

“Their pros will be using the Pulse daily, which underscores the confidence that mountain guides have in the new technology and features that Mammut has developed. Taking that one step further, their clients will be using Pulse, which speaks of the user-friendly features and simple interface that have made the Barryvox series of Beacons so popular. The enhancements on the Pulse allow a group to communicate more effectively in a multiple burial scenario, which is just what these guys need.”

“Alaska Mountain Guides will be using Pulse Barryvox for every client and every guide, everyday,” said Darsie Culbeck, Director of Alaska Mountain Guides. “We’ve used Barryvox beacons for the last two years in extreme conditions and they have performed flawlessly. We like it because it is simple enough to operate for our first time users, and advanced enough for our professional staff. We’re excited about the three antennae advancement in the Pulse Barryvox, as well as the advancements in managing a multiple burial or triage scenario.”

Designed with a team of Swiss engineers over the course of two years, Mammut’s new Pulse Barryvox was developed with a third antenna for ease of use and with the goal of providing rescuers with a transceiver that is fast, easy, and effective. The third antenna allows for smooth, precise pinpointing at short range as well as in deep burial situations.

It is the first 3-antenna transceiver with both digital and analog modes, and the first transceiver to communicate pulse and respiration information to rescuers in order to allow pre-excavation triage while searching in multiple burial rescue situations. It is also the first transceiver to point to the location of the buried subject correctly even as the rescuer is moving away, eliminating the common “180-degree” error; the display arrow points to the location of the buried subject correctly at all times. The permanent direction arrow display, which can swivel 360 degrees, leads the rescuer to the area of the buried victim.

Additional features of the Pulse Barryvox intended to increase rescue efficiency include the simple directional display utilizing the third antenna, automatic signal separation allowing the user to focus on one subject at a time, and automatic updating via the wireless link, alerting all users in the rescue party as to which subjects have already been recovered.