A short conversation with Pete Schneider, president of Athletic Dealers
of America, Inc. at the ADA Fall Session in Kansas City last weekend
showed the enthusiasm driving the rejuvenation of this buying group.
Pete talked with sincere honesty about building a community of dealers
that together become better at their chosen profession than any single
dealer could be alone.

He attributes this sense of community to the ADA’s policy of not bringing competing dealers into the group.
“We’re not just buying programs and rebates,” said Schneider. “Its
about building the camaraderie and friendships that wouldn’t happen if
our members had to worry about another member invading their territory
or using the knowledge that gets shared to drive another member out of

As Schneider sees it, the proof is in the pudding as things are
progressing extremely well since the members took collective ownership
in early January this year. The group has added 7 new members since the
start of the year with Sportco of Kitchener, Ltd. out of Canada and Pro
Print Gear from here in the U.S. attending an ADA show for the first

For the vendors on the floor, the big discussion was length of the
show. While a quick walk through the aisles sees plenty of dealers
sitting down to write orders, many vendors seemed to feel that a more
compact schedule would save on expenses.