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OrthoLite unveiled a new sustainable midsole innovation in March called Cirql, which is the first EVA plastic-free, recyclable, biodegradable, and industrially compostable foam with an end of life solution. General Manager and Vice President of Cirql, Matt Smith, outlines the new business unit and when the industry can expect to see the product in shoes. 

Cirql started with an intention to make footwear and footwear manufacturing more sustainable by seeking a better end-of-life solution. As a member of this global Cirql team, we’re aiming for nothing less than revolutionizing sustainable footwear at scale, with top quality, and repeatability. That sounds lofty, and it is! 

Cirql has heavily invested in the manufacturing process, and it is a point of differentiation. Cirql is an integral, two-part technology: the polymer and the process. You cannot separate one from the other because every step of the process is intentionally designed and calibrated to uphold the promise of cleaner, chemical-free manufacturing. The process is so central to how Cirql foam is made that we’ve created a factory–called the Center of Excellence to serve as a model for Tier 1 footwear factories and other footwear manufacturers.

We’re proud that Cirql is a Vietnamese registered and domiciled business.​ Some of the world’s largest brands source the majority of their shoes from Vietnam. The infrastructure and talent here are exceptional. The Tier 1 and Tier 2 infrastructure is second only to China, and with the global events of the past few years, Vietnam has arguably been more reliable.

It was both difficult and not difficult to build a team in Vietnam during COVID. It slowed down some of the travel to getting to the country. But the pandemic didn’t put a damper on the enthusiasm to join this team. We’ve secured major talent and expertise because we are all so unified by the mission of Cirql. It’s a world-class team that hails from all over the globe. I’m especially proud that 50 percent of my leadership team is Vietnamese: a group of local, high-level managers and function leaders.

Our people are our most important asset, and providing a rewarding, safe, and healthy work environment is one of my top priorities. I want careers here to be long-term, marked by good health, happiness and prosperity. The idea of sustainability applies to the workplace, too. 

In the most literal sense, the Center of Excellence is solar-powered and has zero waste. We generate more electricity than we need, so the rest goes back to the grid. This is also where we’re developing our exacting standard operating procedures for the polymer, mold and process. This is where we ensure the standards for quality, aesthetics, performance, and sustainability are not only premium but are also consistent, repeatable and scalable from the first run to the last. Yet to truly grasp the potential and integrity of Cirql, it’s valuable to understand how it’s made and how every detail of the process is continuously being evaluated for improvement – be it sustainability, quality or efficiency. 

Cirql uses a chemical-free foaming process that is truly groundbreaking. Whereas conventional and EVA-plastic foams are made by injecting up to 15 new, and often toxic, chemicals into the process, Cirql uses heat, speed, pressure and a bit of nitrogen gas (the same as the air we breathe). It’s fast with no curing time. It’s a safer environment for factory workers. The quality of the midsole foam is exceptional, and the end product is completely free of persistent chemicals.

Our model can be used as a template for footwear brands and their Tier 1 factory partners to move away from traditional foam materials and processes and into a new era for sustainable footwear manufacturing. We’re developing all the standard operating procedures (SOPs) internally, meaning we’ll have mastery of the process, the polymer, the machinery, and the molds. These end-to-end SOPs will be a template to train Tier 1 factories on how to make a perfect product from the first run to the last.

We anticipate initiating development in 2023, and if we are able to move up the timelines, we will do so. But over the coming months, we’ll have the ability to gauge the overall demand, plan the capacity requirements and finalize the development windows that we can officially launch Cirql within. But it’s coming soon, and our entire team is extremely excited about what this new innovation means to our industry and, more importantly, to our environment. We can and will make a difference.