Pursuant to a clear desire dictated by the majority of FESI’s Board members, Mr. Horst WIDMANN vice president of Puma, has been appointed yesterday during the SPOGA Fair in Cologne President of the Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI) – replacing, after three and half years of devoted works, Mr. Klaus UHL -.

Mr. Winmann, having contributed for many years to the sports business – in fact, he worked over 30 years in the sports branch – indicated that he was ready to take over the responsibility and guide FESI to the next step combining a firm internal consensus among members with an effective influential activity towards European policy makers.

In his investiture speech, he clearly stressed the need to strengthen the European federation towards an advocate level in close coordination with the other national and world federations.

” A clear distinction of duties between the world, European and national level has to be promptly adopted. Work should be better divided and not duplicated ” he pointed out.

Puma’s vice president finally thanked all FESI members for their support and officially presented his team of vice presidents and treasurer to the rest of participants. FESI’s executive committee was thus finalised as follows:


ASSOSPORT        Vice president         Giancarlo ZANATTA 
BSI              Vice President         Ernst-Albert HOLZAPFEL 
FIFAS                                   Claudine REYNES 
TSIF                                    Chris TUFFLEY 
ADIDAS-SALOMON   Vice President         Karl SEDLMEYER 
NIKE             Vice president         Rory MACMILLAN