K-Edge has become one of the leading mounts for competitive cyclists around the world. The company, named after Olympian Kirstin Armstrong, was born out of a necessity for no-fail equipment.
In its next evolution of cycling accessories, K-Edge brings the Garmin Mount, $40 to $65, an out front computer mount attaching the Garmin Edge Forerunner to any bicycle frame. The Mount is also compatible with Garmin’s Touring cycling computers.
The new Garmin Mount, designed with K-Edge’s advance co-polymer Garmin insert, will lock the cycling computer into place on the bike frame. Notorious for its aerodynamic design, the Garmin Computer Mount is one of the most advanced cycling computers currently available for performance athletes.
K-Edge has also become a cyclist’s turn-to brand for camera mounts and chain catchers.
To ensure Armstrong’s cycling chain would not fall off during the 2008 Olympic Time Trial in Beijing, her husband Joe Savola innovated a technical detail that would eventually become the front chain ring. It worked and Armstrong won gold. The demands for “Kristin’s Edge” from other competitive athletes become so strong that the company was born (shortened to K-Edge).
Its products have helped athletes competing in the Tour de France, World Cups, Ironman and Olympics. Trickling down to the consumer level, K-Edge products provide simple yet elite upgrades for recreational cyclists interested in tracking and boosting performance. All K-Edge design and manufacturing takes place in the U.S. in Boise, ID.