Yue Yuen reported sales in the nine months rose 6.8 percent to $5.94 billion.
Gross profit was up 10.3 percent to $1.3 billion. Recurring operating profit attributed to owners of the company was up 9.5 percent to $318.4 million.
Non-recurring operating loss attributable to owners of the company amounted to $110.4 million, which included $90 million of increased contributions to social insurance benefit and housing provident fund for employees China and $18.8 million of losses due to fair value changes of derivative financial instruments. For the same period last year, the group had a non-recurring profit of $38.8 million, which include a $30.2 million one-time gain arising from the disposal of subsidiaries.
Total net profit attributable to owners of the company amounted to $209 million, down 36.8 percent compared to $330.5 million.
Total sales of shoes manufactured in the period were up 3.9 percent compared to last year, whereas the volume of shoes sold was down by 0.5 percent to 228.8 million pairs for the period.