Foot Locker, the New York-based specialty athletic retailer, launched the second television commercial in a two-part series featuring NBA star James Harden. The latest ad, titled “Short Memory Part II,” stars Harden alongside retiring soccer star Landon Donovan and follows the viral “Short Memory Part I” spot, which starred Harden with basketball legends Charles Barkley and Scottie Pippen. The spot is part of Foot Locker's successful “Approved” campaign.

Donovan earlier this month announced his intention to retire from competitive soccer. 

“First, I learned that the key to being an NBA legend is having a short memory,” said Harden.  “Then, I got a chance to work with soccer star Landon Donovan, and he showed me that having a short memory, along with the ability to have a great sense of humor about oneself, is an important tool for the world's best athletes in any sport.”

“After a 15-plus year club and international soccer career, I understand how important having a short memory is to achieving greatness,” said Donovan. “As I get set to retire, it was a terrific experience to work with Foot Locker and James Harden to impart this knowledge in a humorous way.”

The spot was produced by BBDO and will begin airing August 12. It will also be featured on Foot Locker's YouTube page: