O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc, announces a multi-year sponsorship agreement with competitive shooter, Trevor Baucom. A medically-retired Chief Warrant Officer and Blackhawk Pilot, Baucom has broken through barriers for those physically-challenged and wheelchair-bound by competing in multiple disciplines of the competitive shooting world including the Bianchi Cup, IDPA Indoor National Championship and the World Speed Shooting Championships (Steel Challenge).

Under the sponsorship agreement, Baucom will shoot Mossberg 930 autoloading and 500 pump-action shotguns competitively as well as Mossberg's bolt-action rifles in long-range, tactical matches.

“Trever is an incredible example of perseverance and overcoming adversity. We are extremely proud to have him on Team Mossberg,” said Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing Tom Taylor. “A champion, like Trevor, is measured by his character and the way that he is changing the shooting disciplines in which he participates.”

“There are many challenges involved with shooting competitively and for some people, finding the right equipment that is both reliable and affordable can be what prevents them from participating,” said Baucom. “I am pleased to partner with Team Mossberg and show participants at all levels that Mossberg builds competition-ready shotguns and rifles that win championships.”