Adventure Technology disclosed its 2014 roster of world-class paddling professionals that will help drive brand innovation in key paddling categories including expedition touring, whitewater disciplines, and kayak fishing.
This year’s diverse team is made up of athletes, explorers, photographers, anglers, and standout personalities who push the limits of kayaking and adventure. These men and women use AT paddles in a variety conditions to provide feedback directly to the design team, enabling the brand to be dynamic and responsive to paddlers’ needs across the spectrum of paddlesports.
“The AT team boasts nearly seventy incredibly talented and dynamic paddlers who are taking every aspect of kayaking to the next level, from running the world’s steepest waterfalls to exploring uncharted waterways and catching the biggest, most exciting fish species,” said Evan Lyendecker, marketing manager for Adventure Technology. “Feedback from these athletes who spend their days on the water is an integral part of our design process, and this insight makes it possible for us to create the most lightweight, durable, and performance-oriented paddles available today. We are proud to have this group of passionate paddlers representing our brand throughout the 2014 season.”
Led by standout adventure paddler Gareth Tate, Adventure Technology’s 2014 whitewater and touring team includes some of the most elite kayak adventurers and whitewater competitors. For 2014 Tyler Bradt will continue his Wizard’s Eye Expedition searching for the world’s greatest adventures, while Brendan and Todd Wells are set to shoot a film on rivers in the Pacific Northwest. Expert paddlers Jason Beakes, Anna Levesque and Brad Ludden will use their kayaking skills to help people gain confidence, learn teamwork, and inspire a love for the outdoors. Tate himself will launch and lead a Team Highlight Series spanning the sum of the team’s whitewater and touring expeditions and adventures.
The Adventure Technology Angling Team will be led by four regional managers: Jeff Little, Bobby Clark, CJ Siebler, and Troy Meyerhoeffer in the northeast. The Adventure Technology anglers will provide feedback on paddle trends, and will help promote the sport at tournaments and events across the country.
2014 Adventure Technology Pro Team Whitewater and Touring
Anna Levesque
Ben Brown
Brad Ludden
Brendan Wells
Chase Nobles
Chris Wing
Christie Eastman
Clay Wright
Corey Volt
Daniel Dutton
Dave Farkas
Devyn Scott
Emily Shanblatt
Gareth Tate
Iker Beristain
Isaac Hull
Jacob Cruser
Jason Beakes
Katie Scott
Kim Becker
Laura Farrell
Leo Siecienski
Lizzy Adams
LJ Groth
Matías Nuñez
Max Ovett
Paul Stamilio
Peter Csonka
Robby Hogg
Sara James
Sam Ovett
Scott Ligare
Shane Groves
Stephen Wright
Todd Wells
Tyler Bradt
2014 Adventure Technology Pro Team Angling
Aaron Dryden
Adam Harbuck
Alejandro Perez Arteaga
Bill Schultz
Bill Sikora
Bobby Clark
Brenden Terrill
Callie Shumway
Chris Gorsuch
Chris LeMessurier
CJ Siebler
Dave Easton
Dean Thomas
Eric Tebbets
George Stevens
Jason Stock
Jay Brooks
Jedediah Plunkert
Jeff Little
Jeff Malott
Jeff Suber
Jennifer Thomas
Joe Poole
Juan Veruete
Manny Torres
Mike Zilkowsky
Rob Knoles
Steve Garcia
Tommy Samuels
Troy Meyerhoeffer
Wade Nichols