The National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) elected Pat Donnelley (Donnelley Sports) and Rob Summerfield (MC Sports) as members of its Board of Directors and Dave Labbe (Kittery Trading Post) as Treasurer/Chairman-Elect. The new Board members will serve three-year terms which began June 1.
“Pat and Rob will be great additions to a Board that has been engaged and willing to do what they can to keep NSGA and the Sporting Goods Industry moving forward,” said Matt Carlson, NSGA President and CEO. “We are excited about the expertise and energy Pat and Rob will bring to the Board.”
Pat Donnelley is the Owner/Partner of Donnelley Sports, a team dealer which has been in business since 1975. Donnelley Sports has three locations in southern Idaho and also does business in Nevada.
“I am thrilled to have a chance to play a bigger role in what NSGA wants to accomplish to keep our Industry thriving,” Donnelley said. “There are many challenges for those of us on the team dealer side of the business and I want to do what I can to help our members from that area of the Industry.”
Rob Summerfield is the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for MC Sports, a full-line retailer that was founded in 1946 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and now has 75 stores in seven states in the Midwest. Summerfield has worked with MC Sports for 25 years.
“I am honored to have the opportunity to help NSGA achieve its goals of making our Industry better,” Summerfield said. “I am looking forward to continuing the great relationship NSGA has had with MC Sports, which includes CEO Bruce Ullery’s service as NSGA Chairman of the Board (2007-08).”
Dave Labbe joins the Board’s Executive Committee. Labbe is the Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration and the Chief Financial Officer of Kittery Trading Post, which has been a sporting goods fixture in southern Maine since 1938. During Labbe’s 28 years at Kittery, the store has grown from 20,000 to 100,000 square feet and from 100 to 300 employees.
Labbe will serve on the Executive Committee with new Chairman of the Board Randy Nill (Nill Bros. Sports) and Past Chairman Ken Meehan (Dunham’s Sports).
“Dave has been a great asset to the NSGA Board. He has a tremendous vision for the Association and the ways it can benefit members of the Sporting Goods Industry,” Carlson said. “We’re pleased that Dave will have a major role in NSGA’s future.”
Past Chairman Jeff Rosenthal (Hibbett Sports), Jeff Brusati (T&B Sports) and Robert Frennea (Academy Sports and Outdoors) reached the end of their terms of service on the NSGA Board.
“We want to thank all three of them for their efforts on the NSGA Board,” Carlson said. “We look forward to continuing our relationships with them and their businesses.”