Sports Specialists Ltd. (SSL) has partnered with CCA Sports Retail Services (CCA) to offer its members thousands of dollars in annual savings through CCA’s low rates on credit card processing and consumer financing, discounts on Grainger supplies and ADP payroll processing, and other business savings programs. 


To kick off the partnership, SSL is offering a limited time offer of two free months of CCA program access, giving SSL members extra incentive to start realizing significant savings right away.


“Our partnership with CCA gives SSL members a big advantage,” said Steve Rogers, president and CEO for SSL, which offers buying programs for more than 90 vendors to its 52 members, which operate more than 130 snow sports shops with over $150 million in total snow sports retail sales. “With over 2,700 locations producing annual sales in the billions, an organization like CCA offers tremendous economies of scale that our members stand to benefit from, and some already have.” 



Board member and Princeton Sports (Baltimore, MD) owner Alan Davis was one of the first SSL retailers to enroll in CCA (members of CCA pay low monthly membership dues for access to their suite of programs and services).  “I can conservatively say that we have added over $15,000 to our bottom line because of the credit card rates we get from CCA,” said Davis.


In addition to operational savings programs, CCA also offers an assortment of discounted, highly effective marketing programs to help retailers drive traffic and sales, including customizable email and direct mail and search engine marketing.  Rogers added, “We firmly believe the value that CCA’s savings and marketing programs will bring to our members is significant, so much in fact that SSL has agreed to cover the first two months of CCA membership for any of our retailers who enroll by May 31st, 2014.  CCA has also extended a special offer, where they will pay an SSL member $500 if CCA is unable to beat their current credit card processing rates.” 


CCA Sports Retail Services helps independent retailers maximize their profitability through combined economies of scale and through business savings and marketing programs. These retail services include cost savings and advertising programs designed to save retailers time, increase their revenue and maximize their profitability.


“With so many quality retailers in its group, we are very excited to be partners with SSL,” said CCA president Scott Barrett. “We encourage SSL members to contact CCA Sports Retail Services and we will conduct a free savings analysis so they can see what they stand to gain by enrolling in our programs.”