In its ninth year, the 2014 SHOT Show Media Day at the Range was attended by over 1,100 members of the media.
With 142 manufacturers exhibiting, Media Day at the Range is the largest hands-on media event in the hunting and shooting industry giving outdoor media the opportunity to shoot and test new products for 2014. This year's exhibiting companies featured firearms, tactical clothing, knife throwing, archery and more.
New to this year's program was SHOT Show Buyer Day at the Range, attended by 456 distributors, dealers, and retailers who were given the opportunity to test and learn about new products during the first four hours of the opening day of SHOT Show.
“One of the highpoints of SHOT Show for Crosman is always Media Day at the Range,” said Marketing Coordinator at Crosman Corporation Laura Evans. “This year's event was exceptional. They even arranged for two beautiful days.”
“Your Media Day event stands alone as one of the best and most productive for media and manufacturers, alike” said Bob Rogers, contributing editor of shooting sports retailer.
“Having so many of our current and new media contacts at the same place and time makes our job easy. Not only showing them our new products, but being able to get their hands on them and using them right is invaluable,” said Springfield Armory Coordinator Drew Herbst.
In conjunction with NSSF, Industry Days at the Range continues to put safety at the forefront of the event.
The third annual Action Target Industry Days Safety Award was presented to ADCOR, a manufacturer of tactical firearms, for demonstrating the highest standards of safety during the event.
Exhibitors were judged on their firearms safety practices by a panel of safety auditors with NRA certification from DOA Tactical, a company that manufactures shooting benches.
Show management would like to express a special thank you to Industry Day's presenting sponsor, NSSF, as well to its supporting sponsors and partners.
“Their support helps make this event the success that it is,” said Cathy Williams, president of CMG Marketing and Events. “We welcome all of our 2014 sponsors and exhibitors, as well as prospective new participants, to be part of the 2015 event.”