In wake of Sergio Garcia’s remarks about Tiger Woods that have been largely seen as racist, TaylorMade-Adidas said in a statement, “Sergio Garcia’s recent comment was offensive and in no way aligns with TaylorMade-Adidas Golf’s values and corporate culture.”

It added, “We have spoken with Sergio directly and he clearly has regret for his statement and we believe he is sincere. We discussed with Sergio that his comments are clearly out of bounds and we are continuing to review the matter.”

At a European Tour awards dinner Tuesday in response to a question on whether or not he would consider hosting Tiger Woods at the U.S. Open in June, Garcia said, “We will have him round every night. We will serve fried chicken.

Garcia has since apologized twice for the remark.

Woods replied via Twitter on Wednesday that although the remark was “wrong, hurtful and clearly inappropriate,” it’s time to “talk about golf.”