The European Cyclists Federation (ECF) has launched its cycling touring web platform,, which provides a wealth of information to those wishing to cycle the EuroVelo routes, a long distance cycle network crisscrossing Europe.
The web portal, provides information on 14 EuroVelo routes, which when completed will stretch over 70,000 kilometers. It is the first ever website to bring together all sources of information relating to the European cycle route network and cycling tourism in all European countries. It is jam-packed with ideas and suggestions with information relating to each of the EuroVelo routes.
As a cycle tourist, I used to spend a lot of time searching the web to find the information I needed. says Adam Bodor, EuroVelo Director at ECF.
But now with the launch of, the days of having an endless list of bookmarks in my browser should be in the past, as the website provides links to be best sources of information in each country. This is a big step forward for EuroVelo and cycle tourism in Europe
Bodor adds: Prepare you panniers; there are no more excuses to not go on a bicycle holiday.
The website has been eagerly awaited amongst those who cycle during their holidays, now a big growth sector in Europe. According to a 2012 study, it is estimated that there are a total of 22 million multi day cycle tourism trips every year in Europe*.
The project has been made possible thanks to the involvement of the National EuroVelo Coordination Centres and Coordinators and other partners in each country, which have gathered together the information at a national or regional level. It was also realised thanks to the financial support of the European Commission.
The representative of the Tourism Policy Unit, Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry, Ilona Lelonek Husting said: The European Commission encourages the diversification of tourism offer and recognises the role played by cycling in the development of sustainable, environmentally friendly tourism. EuroVelo network of cycle routes is a good example of the type of initiative of European dimension involving the cooperation of different countries and many types of stakeholders.
Congratulations on the new website I believe it will become an important and useful tool for tourists planning their cycle holidays in Europe.
By completing this website, ECF and the European Commission hope to fill a gap but also to continue the development of cycle tourism across the continent. It has been estimated that EuroVelo could attract 14.5 million overnight cyclists and generate €7 billion of total direct revenues when the network is completed.
EuroVelo isnt just about leisure, it also helps improve cycling as a daily mode of transport, says Bernhard Ensink, Secretary General of the European Cyclists
These routes pass through thousands of cities and towns throughout Europe, creating healthier and more economically sound places not just to visit, but to live.