Ames Adventure Outfitters, a successful sales agency that represents Marmot outdoor clothing and equipment throughout the mid-western states, has received Marmot’s 2012 “Agency of the Year” award. This annual award is given to Marmot’s top North American sales agency each spring for sales performance, professionalism and commitment to the brand.

Ames Adventure Outfitters (AAO), was started in 2003 by Brian Block, a passionate and avid mountain athlete. In recent years, Block has expanded the business significantly, bringing aboard key employees-Vanessa Block and Jon Jugenheimer-to grow the agency. Today, AAO is headquartered in Adel, Iowa and represents Marmot along with several complimentary brands including Scarpa, Sole, Grivel, Beal and Liberty Bottleworks.

“Brian Block and his team have demonstrated a superior level of business excellence over the past year and we’re pleased to recognize them with this important accolade,” explains Andy Welling, Marmot’s Vice President of Sales. “They’ve executed well-thought, strategic business plans that have led to meaningful sales growth for both AAO and Marmot,” adds Welling.

Tom Fritz, Marmot’s Vice President of Marketing weighs in: “AAO has consistently shown a willingness to go the extra mile with Marmot. They’ve provided great support to our marketing department for customer-specific projects-they’ve been timely and responsive and a total pleasure to work with.”

Sales growth, business excellence and brand commitment are not the only qualifications to win the award.

“Integrity has always been at the core of our business model,” explains Block, who has been working closely with dealers throughout the spring. “Sales growth is only part of how we define success-our customers and our relationships matter to us most.”