Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. has been presented with the Firearms Manufacturer of the Year award by the National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers for the fifth consecutive year.
The award was presented during the Association’s 38th Annual Meeting in Reno, NV.
This award recognizes Ruger’s excellence in four key business areas: distribution policy; marketing, sales and promotion; logistics and operations; and NASGW and industry support.
“Ruger is incredibly grateful to have been awarded Manufacturer of the Year for the fifth year in a row,” said Ruger CEO Mike Fifer.
“We remain dedicated to our two-step distribution model, and earning this honor proves that our commitment is valued and appreciated by wholesalers. We aim to share our success with wholesalers, and will continue to produce new, high-quality products that help us maintain a strong competitive advantage in the marketplace. We want to thank NASGW members for this award and their continued support,” Fifer concluded.
“We can’t be an industry leader without strong wholesaler support and cooperation, so we continue to develop new products and marketing strategies that will benefit distributors of Ruger firearms,” said Vice President of Sales and Marketing Chris Killoy.
“We appreciate this recognition of our efforts to help distributors receive high-quality products and support from Ruger,” he continued.