Jake Burton Carpenter, who founded Burton Snowboards, has been diagnosed with testicular cancer. In an optimistic note to his global team, he said the cancer has been spotted in the early stages and the vast majority of people survive after the chemotherapy treatment and possible surgery.

The full note follows:

Good News and Bad News

The bad news is that I have cancer. The good news is that it is as curable as it gets. What I have is called Seminoma, also known as Testicular Cancer (think Lance Armstrong). I have three months of chemo ahead with the possibility of surgery along the way.

Last week was a rough one for me and Donna in that for several days my prognosis looked far, far worse. What struck me and everyone around me as unusual during this time was the fact that I didn't get that upset about my situation. I have come to the conclusion that this for sure is simply a reflection of the people I'm surrounded and supported by.

Starting with a perfect wife, 3 loving sons, and a stable of amazing friends, I am way ahead of your average bear in the support department. But the support that I feel from this company and all of you is what puts me on another level; starting with the best Senior Management Team I've ever seen here, on through to every Burton employee all over the world. I hope that, should any of you find yourself in a similar predicament, Burton can provide you with the same sense of peace and support.

I have no idea what my work schedule is going to be, but I assume it will have its ups and downs. I will keep you posted on Yammer and e-mail with my progress.

In the meantime, the best thing you can do for me is to keep kicking ass the way you have been.

See you all at the fall bash.
