Reebok wrapped up the Financial Day activities as company president and COO Jay Margolis discussed their “clear product vision”.

Margolis presented Reebok’s broad and diverse marketing package, including branding for S. Carter, RBK, Premier, Performance Vector, NBA, NFL, Women’s and Classic.

It was confusing with so many different brand strategies after the company has made such great progress establishing its basketball category and capitalizing on the strength of Classics.

Analysts questioned Margolis about the brand’s marketing direction using entertainment icons and alluded to “paying off” rappers to wear shoes and make ads when they may turn around and “wear Nike” when not on the clock.

Paul Fireman, who looked great after his recent bypass and subsequent recovery, stepped in and defended the use of Hip Hop artists and their commitment to the brand. Fireman cited the fusion of music and athletics, noting that some of the musicians asked to be in some of the commercials with athletes.

>>> One wonders how long RBK can continue to support all the different brand messages, before the campaigns collapse of their own weight. Need to put that stake in the ground and stick with it…