ChiRunning, the natural running technique organization based in
Asheville, NC, has launched a series of new websites:; and
Targeted ChiRunning mini-sites offer information for injured, beginner, fitness and performance runners. Walkers will find information on ChiWalking for weight loss, rehab, event and cause walking, and fitness walking., parent company to ChiRunning and ChiWalking, offers information on nutrition and mindful living.
ChiRunning and ChiWalking combine cutting edge techniques for sound physical movement with powerful mental focuses utilized in T'ai Chi.
ChiRunning founder Danny Dreyer, ultra-marathon runner, injury-free running expert, bestselling author and inspirational speaker says the new websites offer the tools needed to get started. “Whether your goal is to run a pain-free half or full marathon, walk without pain, lose weight, or eat well our technique-based programs offer the mind/body components that create real success,” says Dreyer.
“The first step is to visualize your goal,” says Dreyer. “Use the power of intention by putting your mind, body and being into the experience. The new websites will give you the tools, resources and opportunities to get started on your journey with ChiRunning and ChiWalking.”
The ChiLiving websites, which drew more than a half-million unique visitors in 2010, offers visitors a place to connect and immerse themselves in the Chi Community with “Ask the Expert” forums, articles on natural running technique and injury prevention, testimonials, blogs, training programs and more.
ChiRunning and ChiWalking make fitness possible for people who have stopped because of injury, are intimidated by potential pain, want a competitive edge or seek a spiritual component in their exercise program. Dreyer, along with over 130 Certified Instructors, have sold-out clinics across the U.S. and around the world and have been featured in AARP, NPR, The New York Times, USA Today, and Running Times. The DVD's and books ChiRunning and ChiWalking by Danny and Katherine Dreyer are No. 1 sellers in their categories on The Dreyers' new ChiRunning marathon book, published by Simon & Schuster, is due on shelves in early 2012.