Big Shark Bicycle Co. is opening two new stores in the St. Louis area, including one that will be next door to a new downtown bike station city officials hope boosts the city's profile as bike friendly.

That new Big Shark store will be located at the 411 Building at 10th and Locust streets, near a new Downtown Bicycle Station, where it will share a building with a non-profit dedicated to promoting bicycle and pedestrian commuting lifestyles. The station will be 1,450 square feet, offering secure 24-hour access and featuring more than 100 bike racks, showers and locker rooms, ideal for those cyclists commuting to work.


The adjacent Big Shark store will have 3,500 square feet and include a  full-service bike shop that will offer all necessary bike equipment, repairs and bike rentals.  Big Shark Bicycle Co., presently located in the Delmar Loop, plans to open this 2nd location, named Urban Shark, in downtown St. Louis later this winter.


Big Shark announced that they will simultaneously be opening a third location in the western St. Louis suburb of Chesterfield, called Big Shark West. The West location will be a full-service, 6,000-square-foot bicycle store – mirroring the St. Louis LOOP location.

Big Shark promotes over 100 events per year across the St. Louis metropolitan region. “We were not necessarily looking to expand, however each of these projects demonstrated tremendous opportunity and appeared to be tailor made for our agenda of making cycling part of the St. Louis landscape,” said Owner Michael Weiss.

With the addition of a bike shop and a bicycle commuter station, Downtown is taking a major stride toward becoming a walkable and livable neighborhood, said Downtown St. Louis Community Improvement District President Maggie Campbell.

“By attracting more bikes to Downtown, we are advancing our Downtown Next 2020 Vision strategy of making the city center more connected and welcoming to all modes,” she said.

Mayor Francis Slay added, “St. Louis is a bike friendly city. We're pretty much flat, which is great for the bike lanes we have been painting on our roads. And we have some big parks, which is good for the bike trails we have been building. The new Downtown Bicycle Station will be a great new amenity, serving both bike commuters and the people who sit next to them.”

Trailnet will be relocating their 20 employees to the 411 Building and will occupy approximately 4500 square feet of space. Enabling and fostering active living through innovative programs, planning and policy that promote walking and bicycling is a key part of Trailnet’s mission.

 “We are thrilled about the increased number of cyclists in the area and the role our work has played in making the region more bicycle and pedestrian friendly,” said Trailnet Executive Director Ann Mack. “The synergies of this partnership will place St. Louis among those cities recognized for a commitment to healthier transportation choices.”

The Downtown CID will manage the Downtown Bicycle Station under contract with the City, and will manage needed services so bike commuters can receive support from experienced vendors.  This, in addition to Metro light rail and bus service, the Downtown Trolley, WeCar and Ridefinders makes Downtown a great neighborhood to enjoy for all transportation modes. 

This project is funded in part by the City of St. Louis with funds allocated by the US Department of Energy through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. To stay plugged in to information as it unfolds, visit