Comedy Central comedian Steven Colbert has thrown his weight and wit behind the Obama Administration’s America’s Great Outdoors Initiative with an endorsement on the website,

“I am something of an outdoorsman,” reads text next to an image of Colbert flashing the thumbs up sign. “In that I occasionally go out of doors – to hail a cab, let’s say. “But there are parts of this great nation that don’t have asphalt. I encourage you to go explore and support them. BUT WATCH OUT FOR BEARS!”

Colbert then urges people to contribute their thoughts on the website.


“There are only a few days left to weigh in with Washington,” reads the text below his Colbert’s image. “Bears can be scary, but our real fear is missing this historic opportunity to protect America’s Great Outdoors.” 

The Obama Administration kicked off the America’s Great Outdoor Initiative on Earth Day to solicit public input on how the country should shape a conservation policy for the 21st century. In an executive proclamation, Obama ordered several key cabinet secretaries to submit a report to him by Nov. 15.