4Sevens of Atlanta, GA is now offering to replace the box and inner liner used to package its flashlights with a simple and robust low-density polyethylene zip-bag that can be recycled into plastic bags, various containers, dispensing bottles, wash bottles, tubing and molded laboratory equipment.
The company said the new packaging reduces the price of the flashlight while using much less material.
Many consumers have informed 4Sevens that they would prefer purchasing products that use minimal packaging and eliminate waste. Also, since 4Sevens flashlights are in the category of high-shrinkage where open product may be shown in a secure display case with remaining stock secured in cabinets or out of sight from customers, the minimal packaging makes even more sense and offers yet another competitive advantage over its competitors. We believe that many outdoor customers will follow 4Sevens' lead.
4Sevens flashlights in the original retail packaging, as currently supplied to major retail stores, will remain available.