ABC Fitness has released its Wellness Watch Fall 2024 report, detailing how different generations approach fitness and outlines the significant variations in preferences, behaviors and goals across age groups.

“While all generations share a commitment to staying active, their approaches, goals, and preferences vary widely, offering significant opportunities for businesses to tailor their services accordingly, ABC said in a media release.

ABC reported that of those surveyed, 80 percent of Boomers, 73 percent of Gen X, 76 percent of Millennials, and 66 percent of Gen Z consider themselves active; however, the global technology provider for fitness businesses said younger generations are more likely to use a gym or fitness studio to achieve their fitness goals, with 73 percent of Gen Z, 72 percent of Millennials, 54 percent of Gen X, and only 42 percent of Boomers noting that they are members of, or use a health club, gym or studio.

“Although the general public has long recognized the importance of physical health, we have recently seen a growing emphasis on staying active at every stage of life. The fitness industry must evolve to support people of all ages, creating a unique opportunity for gyms, studios and personal trainers to personally tailor and help more individuals through their services,” said Bill Davis, CEO of ABC Fitness.

Key Findings by Generation

  • Gen Z (age 18 to 24): Gen Z integrates mental health and wellness into their fitness routines far more than other generations with physical fitness, making them more inclined to explore new fitness programs. The demographic is “highly engaged” with wearable technology, with 56 percent using personal fitness devices and another 27 percent using monitors during group workout classes. Gen Z also has the shortest club tenure, with 55 percent having memberships for less than a year.
  • Millennial (age 25 to 39): Millennials continue emphasizing mental health as a key aspect of their fitness goals and prefer flexible fitness options that fit into their lifestyles. With 65 percent having been members of a club for six months to three years, their approach to fitness is characterized by a balance between traditional gym workouts, at-home fitness and reliance on digital fitness tools.
  • Gen X (age 40 to 55): Gen X focuses on maintaining general activity and stress relief. They are more likely to have more extended memberships, with 30 percent visiting clubs more than 12 times a month. The demographic values workout efficiency, seeking time-saving ways to get results.
  • Baby Boomers (age 56-65): This, the most active generation, prioritizes physical and mental health and is committed to regular physical activity, with 36 percent using fitness facilities more than 12 times per month. Boomers also strongly adhere to achieving their fitness goals, with 82 percent reporting that they are on track to meet them.

“As the fitness industry evolves, it’s crucial for fitness businesses to enhance digital presence, promote holistic wellness, foster a sense of community, and tailor offerings to diverse demographics. By focusing on efficiency, flexibility, and results, fitness businesses can address the unique needs of each generation and establish themselves as comprehensive wellness destinations,” said Mike Escobedo, chief customer officer at ABC Fitness.

The Wellness Watch Fall 2024 report draws on data from ABC Fitness’ diverse platforms, including ABC Glofox, ABC Ignite, ABC Evo, and ABC Trainerize, as well as third-party active consumer research. It provides actionable insights that gyms, studios, and personal trainers can use to better serve their members.

For more information and to download the full report, go here.

Image courtesy AARP, Jean Titus, age 53, trainer, speaker and entrepreneur