REI workers affiliated with the unions reportedly filed 80 unfair labor practice charges against the outdoor specialty retailer last week. REI vowed to fight the allegations.

REI said in a media statement, “REI disagrees with the union’s contentions and will continue to fight their allegations. We are committed and engaged in good-faith bargaining with stores that have chosen union representation and will continue to participate fully in the negotiating process.”

In a joint statement, the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, and workers from REI’s eight unionized stores accused REI of “bad faith bargaining practices and unilateral workplace changes that show a pattern of egregious anti-union behavior, emotional manipulation, and retaliatory actions against workers, such as firings, changes to work schedules, and disciplinary practices.”

Workers from the eight unionized REI stores filed charges with their regional National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) offices.
The move follows a formal complaint to the National Labor Relations Board and walkouts by REI store workers in October.

Photo courtesy REI