Best Buy President & Chief Operating Officer Brian Dunn is among the featured speakers who have been confirmed for the 45th Annual NSGA Management Conference & 11th Annual Team Dealer Summit, which will be held May 3-6, 2009, at the Westin La Cantera Resort in San Antonio, TX.

Dunn will speak on Tuesday, May 5, on “The Importance of Building Great Customer Relationships.” In a challenging environment that finds many retailers retrenching, Best Buy continues to stay true to its customer-centric strategy. Dunn will share lessons from the company’s five-year journey to better understand its customers’ unique and changing needs.

He will offer perspectives on why relationships between energized employees and satisfied customers help create strong brands and loyal customers, especially in uncertain times.

On Monday, May 4, Sal LaRocca, executive vice president, global merchandising group, of the National Basketball Association, will share some of the league’s plans for future growth in the multibillion-dollar licensed product category including NBA products to be introduced soon that will carry the brand.

Also on May 4, retail expert and author Neil Stern, senior partner at McMillan/Doolittle, will discuss the revolutions occurring in the retail marketplace today with particular emphasis on the influential green trend in retailing, or “Greentailing.”

This trend capitalizes on the growing demand for organic, sustainable and wellness-related products. Using examples from leading edge greentailers, Stern will explain how any retailer or manufacturer can implement such programs and, most importantly, increase profits.

“Brian Dunn, Sal LaRocca and Neil Stern have unique insights to share,” said NSGA Chairman of the Board Bob Dickman, general manger of the Sport Supply Group Team Dealer Division.

“Retailers will be able to take away valuable information that can help make their businesses more profitable.

“The lineup of speakers for the Management Conference and Team Dealer Summit may be the strongest ever,” Dickman said. “This is a very impressive group of keynoters, speakers and workshop leaders. I encourage anyone who wants to strengthen his or her business to attend.”