The Golf Datatech National Golf Rounds played showed that golf is finally showing signs of this lagging economy, with most regions included in the report posting losses for October 2008. According to the report, national golf rounds played in the U.S. were down 0.5% in October 2008 vs. October 2007, bringing the year-to-date total to a decrease of 1.3% from last year’s overall results.

The only increase in rounds played came from the Pacific region, which showed a 6.8% growth for the month. The Mid-Atlantic region reported the largest decline, with a 7.1% drop from last year’s October rounds.
Other regions that posted losses for the month include the Mountain (-0.8%), West North Central (-1.8%), New England (-0.7%), South Atlantic (-1.1%) and South Central (-0.4%). The East North Central region held flat with no growth or decline.