Nearly 94% of Chinese consumers 18 to 34 years old contributed to the more than 2 billion people who watched the 2008 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony, according to an analysis of BIGresearch’s most recent China Quarterly Survey (3,874 participants).
Both men and women aged 18 to 34 watched the opening event most, with women at a slightly higher rate at 95.6% (v. 92.2% of their male counterparts). 75.4% of young men watched the closing ceremony making it the second most watched among this segment, while women preferred gymnastics (83.5%).
Questions and responses included:
on TV or in person? (TOP 5)
Chinese Chinese Chinese
18-34 Men 18-34 Women 18-34
Opening Ceremony 93.9% 92.2% 95.6%
Closing Ceremony 78.4% 75.4% 81.3%
Gymnastics 71.9% 60.0% 83.5%
Basketball 65.2% 70.8% 59.7%
Table Tennis 59.1% 59.0% 59.2%
Among young Chinese consumers, 84.4% turned to the TV for Olympic coverage, three-fourths logged on to the Internet for competition news and 58% got their information from newspapers.
Which of the following media did you use to collect information
about the Olympic Games? (TOP 5)
Chinese 18-34
TV/Cable 84.4%
Internet 75.0%
Newspaper 58.0%
Picture Phone 39.8%
Email Newsletter 39.2%