Bikes Belong announced the award of four grants that will help construct community paths in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Oklahoma-and build some Colorado singletrack.
Grantees follow:
CRBC has partnered with the Clearwater Conservancy, a local land trust, and Penn State University to execute their project. The partnership also expects to receive a grant from the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to help fund the greenway.
Groundwork Minneapolis-Ryan Lake Trail (Minneapolis, MN)
Groundwork Minneapolis will receive a $10,000 grant to help complete the Ryan Lake Trail in north Minneapolis, MN. Theyll use Bikes Belong’s grant as a match for DNR and community funding to construct a highway underpass, completing the first phase of the multi-use path.
Groundwork Minneapolis is a grassroots group tasked with community improvement and environmental stewardship in Minneapolis. It also is part of the international Groundwork network. Theyve partnered with the Victory Neighborhood Association, the City of Minneapolis, the National Park Service, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and several local schools to restore open space around the Ryan Lake shoreline for public use. The Ryan Lake Trail is a key element in that restoration project.
Team Evergreen Trailblazers-Buffalo Creek Trails (Buffalo Creek, CO)
An $8,000 grant will support Team Evergreen Trailblazers trail work in the Buffalo Creek Recreation Area of the Pike National Forest.
Team Evergreen Trailblazers is the nonprofit, volunteer trailbuilding arm of Team Evergreen Bicycle Club. They bring planning, equipment, trained trail-crew leaders, and enthusiastic volunteers to trail projects across Colorado’s Front Range. Last year alone, the group contributed 655 trail-work hours to the USFS in the Buffalo Creek Recreation Area and 42 trail-work hours to other land managers in the Front Range.
City of Enid, Oklahoma-Master Trail
The City of Enid, Oklahoma, will use their $5,000 grant to begin to construct its comprehensive multi-use trail system. Enid, a rural community north of Oklahoma City, currently has no trails for active transportation and recreation-and 98% of its street infrastructure is without sidewalks.
Bikes Belong’s grant will help match OK DOT grants and local funds for path construction. The City of Enid hopes this pathway project will serve as a model for other communities in their state.
About Bikes Belong
Bikes Belong Coalition is the U.S. bicycle industry organization dedicated to putting more people on bicycles more often. Bikes Belong lobbies to increase federal bike funding, awards grants to support innovative bike projects, promotes bicycling and its benefits, and backs crucial national efforts such as Safe Routes to School, Bicycle Friendly Communities, and the National Bike Summit. The affiliated Bikes Belong Foundation focuses on improving bicycle safety and enhancing children’s bike programs.
Since Bikes Belong’s Grants Program began in 1999, we have funded 170 grant proposals in 45 states and the District of Columbia, awarding nearly $1.3 million in cash and leveraging more than $476 million in federal, state, and private funding. Our facilities grants alone have helped finance nearly 1,400 miles of bike paths and trails that link close to 6,400 miles of trail facilities.