President George Bush vetoed the Farm Bill Wednesday, citing earmarks of $250 million for a 400,000-acre land purchase from a private owner; $382 million for a watershed and funding and authority for the noncompetitive sale of National Forest land to a ski resort. Congress is expected to overide the veto, which includes a provision that would likely forstall a rise in tariffs opposed by the sporting goods industry.
Now is also not the time to create a new uncapped revenue guarantee that could cost billions of dollars more than advertised. This is on top of a farm bill that is anticipated to cost more than $600 billion over 10 years. In addition, this bill would force many businesses to prepay their taxes in order to finance the additional spending.
This legislation is also filled with earmarks and other ill-considered provisions. Most notably, H.R. 2419 provides: $175 million to address water issues for desert lakes; $250 million for a 400,000-acre land purchase from a private owner; funding and authority for the noncompetitive sale of National Forest land to a ski resort; and $382 million earmarked for a specific watershed. These earmarks, and the expansion of Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage requirements, have no place in the farm bill. Rural and urban Americans alike are frustrated with excessive government spending and the funneling of taxpayer funds for pet projects. This bill will only add to that frustration.
I veto this bill fully aware that it is rare for a stand-alone farm bill not to receive the President's signature, but my action today is not without precedent. In 1956, President Eisenhower stood firmly on principle, citing high crop subsidies and too much government control of farm programs among the reasons for his veto. President Eisenhower wrote in his veto message, “Bad as some provisions of this bill are, I would have signed it if in total it could be interpreted as sound and good for farmers and the nation.” For similar reasons, I am vetoing the bill before me today.”