Just in time for spring, lucy activewear will open three new stores in March as part of their new store expansion making a total of 64 stores nationwide. New lucy stores will open in San Francisco, CA on March 21st at Embarcadero Center 3, in Leawood, KS on March 21st at Town Center Plaza and in Marietta, GA on March 28th within the Avenue at East Cobb.
“We are excited to introduce the lucy® brand to the women of Atlanta and Kansas City, and expand our presence in downtown San Francisco,” said Michelle Lantow, President of lucy activewear. “We feel that each of these markets will greatly appreciate the active fit, everyday style and performance our brand is renowned for.”
Each of these new locations will host a Grand Opening Event designed to launch lucy within the local community. lucy grand opening events offer the ultimate shopping experience with live music, organic hors doeuvres, and complimentary massages to refresh and rejuvenate.