Two months after closing a deal to distribute a line of sit-on-top kayaks from Thailand, Pyranha USA has lined up 20 dealers. The company expects the addition of Feel Free recreational kayaks to double its unit sales in 2008 and to triple dollar sales within three years, said Jim Hager, who runs Pyranha USA, which was established in 2001 to market Pyranha’s lines in the United States.

“We distributed their boats in the U.K. and Europe the last three or four years very successfully,” commented Hager. “We are very focused on a strong specialty dealer base and that was something they wanted to achieve rather than direct sales.”

Pyranha is focusing on selling five models in the United States, ranging in price from $419 to $1,049 and collectively addressing the inland, surf and even kayak fishing markets.

The deal allows Pyranha, a British company that traces its roots to white water kayaking, to address the United States’ much larger recreational market. Until now, the company could only offer its 250 dealers its Pyranha whitewater kayaks, its P&H sea kayaks, and its Venture touring kayaks.

Feel Free will better position Pyranha USA to approach hundreds of recreation oriented dealers in coastal areas in Florida and the Gulf Coast, said Hager.   Feel Free also offers a variety of accessories, including dry cases designed to fit into their boats’ sterns. 

“There are a multiple of sit on top dealers we have not tapped into,” he said.

Pyranha will show the new boats at several consumer shows in coming months, including the Jersey Paddler's Paddlesport Show and the Adirondack Paddle Festival.