PHIT America has launched a 28-minute documentary, “Creating Healthier & Smarter Kids: The Power of P.E.,” detailing the negative side effects of physical inactivity.

In the documentary, viewers hear comments about the importance of physical activity from a medical doctor, school leaders, classroom teachers, physical education professionals, parents, and young students. The video’s message relays how P.E. and physical activity breaks during the school day can stimulate a better learning environment for students.

The video can be seen  at

In addition to the 28-minute story, a five-minute version of the video can be found HERE, immediately below the longer video. The target audience for the shorter video is parents and grandparents of school children.

To assist in the distribution of the five-minute video, PHIT America has created an electronic tool kit, which will enable P.E. teachers and other school administrators to efficiently share this video with fellow school personnel and its parents. This electronic took kit also has a communications template that can also serve as the key platform for any school to conduct a fundraiser to support the growth and expansion of its P.E. program.

These videos are a ‘must-see’ by executives in the sports and fitness industry so they understand the magnitude of the importance of P.E. to sports participation numbers and their annual sales.

Dr. John Ratey opens the 28-minute documentary by divulging a message about the state of physical inactivity in the U.S.
“We are the most sedentary generation ever on this Earth,” stated Ratey.

In the 28-minute video, national figures on physical activity are revealed — two-thirds of U.S. children are not active to healthy standards and 48 percent of all high schools in the U.S. have no P.E. Daily P.E. classes in our schools will help reverse physical inactivity rates in the U.S.

“The low level of physical activity by kids is not good for business in the sporting goods industry,” added Baugh.
Since 2015, PHIT America and its partner KIDS in the Game have been distributing programming and funds to elementary schools in the form of PHIT America GO! Grants. To date, more than 600 GO! Grants – totaling $1.4 million — have been distributed to schools around the U.S., which have impacted more than 300,000 students. And, more GO! Grants are on the way – with the help of the general public.

With this 28-minute video, PHIT America is educating the general public about the magnitude of physical inactivity among school children and inviting viewers — especially parents and grandparents — to be a part of the solution and donate to PHIT America to help fund more GO! Grants to more schools to generate more support for P.E. Donations to PHIT America can be made by texting PHITKids to 50155 or by visiting Those donations will become PHIT America GO! Grants.

“Research from Sports Marketing Surveys USA indicates that physically active people in the U.S. spend $900/year on sports products and accessories to stay physically active, while inactive people spend $200/year on sports products and accessories to stay physically active,” said Jim Baugh, founder, PHIT America. “Physically active people help drive sales in the sports and fitness industry.”

Founded in January 2013, PHIT America is a non-profit campaign focused on overcoming the severe ramifications of the ‘Inactivity Pandemic’ through four strategic approaches – education, supporting school-based activity programs, a national event, and advocating – which will get Americans, especially our youth, more active, fit and healthy.  For more information about PHIT America, visit