Known for his strange antics in-and-out of shop clinics Greg “The Animal Steel” Fugate joins the eesa clothing rep force. Fugate took time away from his rigorous shop clinic schedule to find out more about the eesa brand from Fran Frost eesas Global Sales enabler. Frost, who is also known in shop clinic circles as Frosty a kind of Snowman meets Krusty the Clown personality, hit it off immediately with The Animal.
Stephen Cleary, eesas Brand Enabler, couldnt be happier with the addition to the team, “The Animals clinics are one-in-a-million, I sat through one a couple weeks back and Im still jacked. I was ready to write paper when I realize he was pitching our product line.” As Frost puts it “The Animal could sell hammers to a no-armed man”. Cleary continues, “the thing about The Animal is that he can throw down clinics for weeks on end and he never complains or gets tired, its insane, the guy truly is an animal.”