Nebraska gubernatorial candidate, Dave Nabity is basing a portion of his campaign on an economic development bill designed, in part, to bring a new Cabelas retail store to Sarpy County. The bill, LB500 now dubbed the Cabelas Bill was rejected by state legislature because certain members felt it was unfair to existing sporting goods stores and a new Cabela's store would not attract people from outside Nebraska.
Nabity feels that this is not the case and the incentives provided in the bill could help with loans or bonds to build tourism attractions. These loans could then be repaid by the sales taxes generated. In a press conference he said that this move sends a negative message to companies wanting to add jobs to Nebraska.
Cabelas currently operates one of its flagship stores in Sidney Nebraska, where it is headquartered and employs 3,500 people. The Sidney store ranks as one of the top five tourist destinations in the state.
Local papers are reporting that the current Nebraska Governor, Dave Heineman, who is the only person with the authority to call a special session of the legislature, is traveling and unable to respond to questions.
>>> Hey, how come nobody pays Hibbett big bucks for opening a store in Podunk Junction and creating jobs where there are few