Atlas Snow-Shoe Company has named Seattle-based Hayter Communications as its new public relations agency of record. Hayter Communications will handle all aspects of public relations for the company, from material development and strategy to media relations through its broad network of consumer and trade media contacts to product placement in the entertainment world.
Hayter Communications is a long-time public relations agency for K2 Sports, and several of its acquired outdoor brands, including Atlas Snow-Show Company.
“Snowshoeing as a sport is absolutely exploding, and Hayter Communications has proven winter sports experience that can help Atlas stay on top of the market and top of mind with consumers,” said Karen Righthand, director of marketing for Atlas.
“Snowshoeing is one of the most accessible winter sports. Atlas provides technically innovative products that allow all levels of winter adventurers to access and enjoy the outdoors,” said Ryan Hayter, agency founder. “The Atlas brand stands for exploration and leadership. From an undeniably superior product line and over a dozen patents, to exciting programs like the national Explore Winter Womens Workshop program, Atlas has been breaking new ground and leading a wave of category growth unparalleled in the industry.