The Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) is seeking examples of FTC Green Guide enforcement, third-party lawsuits on green marketing claims, examples of meaningful claims, and consumer research in its quest to help marketers promote the sustainable attributes of packaging.


The information is being sought by the SPC's Industry Leadership Committee on Meaningful Marketing Claims, which willl use it to inform Green Marketing Claims 101, a resource they are developing for consumer goods companies. Anyone willing to share such information should contact the SPC's project associate at Greenblue, Danielle Peacock, via email or at 434-817-1424, x327.

The ILC works to bridge the disconnect that often exists between marketing messaging, consumer understanding, and a scientific understanding of sustainability. Its goals are to:

  • Illuminate the role of marketing in making packaging more sustainable.
  • Develop a common understanding of the challenges faced by marketing professionals in crafting accurate and effective messaging.
  • Advance the abilities of marketing professionals to promote more sustainable packaging by communicating the sustainability attributes of packaging.